Saturday, December 3, 2011

How self-motivated are you?

"Your life today is the result of your attitudes and choices in the past. Your life tomorrow will be the result of your attitudes and the choices you make today."
- Author Unknown

Many theorists have argued that complete pictures of the self, the world and the future are essential for mental health. Moreover other criteria of mental health, includes the ability to care about others, the ability to be happy or contented, and the ability to engage in productive and creative work. Within the last one, self-motivation comes into picture.

Are you motivated to achieve what you really want in life? And how hard do you push yourself to get things done? Do you know how to take charge of your goals and achievements? Here is a short Quiz where you can test How self motivated you are. After answering questions you get a nutshell analysis of your ability to set goals for yourself and to achieve them.

Self-motivation is a complex context about setting enough challenging goals for yourself, your belief of your skills and abilities needed to achieve those goals, and your expectations of your success. The article actually gives you a step-by-step guideline how to built and develop self-motivation. It includes such as positive thinking, focusing and setting strong goals, as well as motivating environment. People surrounded by you will certainly have an effect on your motivation. These external factors are all though separate from internal self-motivation factors.

There are two approaches on how to focus in life, according to a recent USA report Personal Directions® program. Individuals with a strong Internal focus are likely to see themselves as having a great deal of influence and control over their life and environment. They tend to feel that they are primarily responsible for what happens to them, and how they shape their personal world. Individuals with a strong External Focus are likely to believe that elements in their environment (external factors) play a very important role in what happens to them. They may feel that the external world has a powerful force that is difficult to shape or control.
In practice most of the people employ a combination of the two approaches. Our perceptions of External or Internal Focus often affects the number of choices and options we see and allow ourselves to have.  This is the basis of decision-making. 

Based on a recent USA report, Personal Directions® is a program which examines motivations and strivings and how these affect decision-making in different areas of your life, in addition to what kind of actions you might wish to take as you look towards the future. Its conclusion is that each one has the capacity to respond to events and to make decisions about the future. Events of the past have an influence and are important; however, they do not have to control the future.

Goal setting gives you a focus, a clear sense of direction and self-confidence that comes by achieving your own goals. Some individuals might have high skills of self-motivation and some might need to have more external support. When it comes to managing organizations, leaders should provide external support for motivating employees. That's why it's vital that leaders and managers keep their team feeling motivated, inspired and that they sets goals. First of all it is wealthy for the employees, and within that it becomes to be wealthy for whole working organization.
Now its your turn take the Quiz and find out how self-motivated you are?

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